How to Pick the Right Lawyer in Philadelphia

How to Pick the Right Lawyer in Philadelphia

When you need a lawyer to help you out of a tricky situation, it’s easy to jump at the first one you find. But making rash decisions in your quest to find good representation could lead to problems further down the line in your case. Here at Voloshen Law Firm, we\’re going to explain how to find the best lawyer for your needs in Philadelphia so you can get the level of representation you deserve in your case.

Knowing Who’s Out There

There is a range of different lawyers that specialize in a range of different types of law. For example, you wouldn\’t want a specialist in criminal law helping you with your divorce case when there are plenty of great divorce lawyers out there. Do your research on what cases different lawyers have dealt with in the past. Maybe some seem remarkably similar to yours. By getting to know what\’s available, you\’ll be well on your way to picking the right lawyer for you in Philadelphia.

Go By Reputation

Once you have a pool of possible candidates, you should do some further research about these candidates\’ reputations. If possible, you could ask about people\’s previous experiences with them. For this, online forums where people leave anonymous reviews can be very useful. Some lawyers have a great demeanor, but this doesn\’t mean they are great lawyers. Make sure you choose someone that will fight tooth and nail to get you the outcome you want.


How to Pick the Right Lawyer in Philadelphia


Who Do They Work For?

There are pros and cons of going with lawyers that work for big firms or work independently. Those that work independently will probably only work on your case, dedicating more time to you and giving you a personalized experience. However, they may also need to do much more work as it\’s unlikely they will have a large administrative or legal aid team. Alternatively, large law firms have the team to support their lawyers so your case can be resolved more efficiently. However, the experience may be less personal than with an independent lawyer.

How Much Will It Cost?

So, you’ve found your perfect lawyer—they’re experienced, willing to take on your case, and can start straight away. But, there’s a catch—they cost twice as much as the nearest competitor! When it comes to lawyers, you usually get what you pay for, so forking out for a pricier lawyer may have its benefits. If you can\’t afford the amount they’re asking for, you may need to seek legal representation that’s closer to your price range.

Philadelphia has some of the world’s best lawyers, but some should be avoided at all costs! Rather than jumping at the first lawyer, you come across, it\’s a good idea to take some time to research what’s out there so you can make an informed decision. If you’re looking for an immigration lawyer to help you with visa appointments, fight deportation charges, or for any other reason, contact us here at Voloshen Law Firm. Our team of world-renowned lawyers are experts in immigration law and specialize in cases relating to Philadelphia and the surrounding area. 


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